About Us

About Us

RCI-India is the member of the Ruth Cohn Institute for TCI – International, RCI – International, Berlin, which serves as the umbrella organization, networking the participant organizations in different countries. This organisation was originally founded in 1966 in the USA and in 1972 in Europe under the name WILL (Workshop Institute for Living-Learning). The name RCI-International was adopted in 2002. It organizes the training in TCI and guarantees the training standards. The RCI – International also addresses the goal of further developing TCI to meet the challenges of a world continually in change.

RCI-India was founded in Dec, 1999, and became a provisional member of RCI-International in June, 2000. Full membership was awarded in May, 2005.

”In order to realize myself, I need to be in relationship to others.” (Es geht ums Anteilnehmen, p.122)


  • To promote understanding of learning process and in particular the use of TCI as a system in human relations in management and therapeutic settings through lectures, seminars, symposium, conference , workshops etc.
  • To undertake research in training activities with a view to promote awareness of living learning through TCI
  • To organize training workshops of RCI International
  • To run and publish books and periodicals related to TCI
  • To offer courses of study on TCI and to ensure certificates of competence in TCI
  • To seek accreditation/ validation of its courses by universities/institutions in India.
  • To cooperate with other organizations and agencies in such a manner and for such purposes as the organization may determine
  • To do all such things as are incidental, necessary or conducive to the attainment of the purpose of the organization assisted
  • To start /initiate TCI training institutions