Welcome To The Official Website Of

Ruth Cohn Institute for Theme - Centered Interaction India

Here you will find current information on training and life with Theme-Centered Interaction (TCI) in India. Announcements of events organized by RCI-India for TCI training and dissemination, reports of activities by local chapters and guidelines on official TCI training in India can be accessed here.



Theme Centered Interaction is a conceptual system for ethical living and transformational learning developed by Dr. Ruth C Cohn. TCI offers a refreshingly humane perspective to reevaluate the way we live our lives. TCI helps individuals to get in touch with their resources and enhance them in collaboration with others. It is a pedagogical action concept which helps to learn and live holistically.


Let me continue being alive, being given, giving. Let me not forget about the horror of pain and unhappiness while I am filled with the door of the blossoming earth – Let me be kind. Let me use my days fully. Let me know the ground and the heavens and be a walking tree. Let me spill my love into the atoms around me so they will grow in the eternal rhythm of light. Let me be stilled to feed me to the starving and not forget. And let me remember the evil of starvation within myself.


Dr. Ruth C. Cohn

Trainings offered by TCI




