Training In TCI



RCI-international, its member associations and institutions with cooperation contracts  are responsible for organizing TCI  training workshops anywhere.
RCI -India, being a member association offers official TCI In India.


Main objective of TCI training is to acquire competence in working with Theme-Centered Interaction (TCI) as conceived by Ruth C. Cohn according to the RCI Training Guidelines. All training elements recognized for these workshops are taught/led by graduated leaders who have made a contract with RCI International.




INTRAC is the official body responsible for the TCI training conducted under the aegis of RCI-India.

The tasks of INTRAC include:

  • Counsel Trainees
  • Quality assurance
  • Discuss & decide about international training in India in consultation with the Teaching staff of RCI India and RCI International.

Prof Motti Thomas Zachariah, Graduate facilitator, RCI International serves as the coordinator of INTRAC.


The Teaching staff of RCI India


The teaching staff of RCI –India is constituted by the graduate facilitators of RCI-India.


Training in TCI  – General Rules of implementation


Training Courses

Courses which are or can be recognized as TCI training courses internationally  are led as training courses by TCI instructors and are identified as such on the trainee’s certificate of participation.

 Recognized TCI Training Courses:

TCI- Training Courses recognized by the RCI are:

  • Announced in the RCI-international Course Catalogue or in those of RCI India, or
  • Licensed as a training course by RCI-India or
  • Licensed by a Cooperation Contract between an institution and RCI-international and identified as such in the course announcement or on the participation certificate.




  1. Basic/ Foundation Training in TCI – leading to International TCI Certificate


A TCI group leader holding a certificate will have the ability to introduce into and experiment with basic elements of TCI when leading groups in his/her professional field


Basic training may take place in two different forms

  • Building Block system -allows the participant to pick freely from the seminars offered by RCI
  • Predetermined Programme -requires to be part of a fixed group till the completion of the basic training programme



Elements of a basic Training programme


1. Decision-making workshop
(only for predetermined course)
9 working units of 90 minutes
2. Two Personality(P) Workshops at least 54 sessions of 90 minutes
3. Three Methods(M) Workshops –
M1,M2 & M3
at least 54 sessions of 90 minutes
4. Written recommendation from one of the instructors
5. Written thesis
6. Certificate workshop (9 working units of 90 minutes)


 Personality Workshops (P)

  • Personality workshops aim at conscious personality development.
  • They are designed to further develop attitudes, intuition and the ability to assess oneself and others, these being important categories in the TCI-context

Methods Workshops (M)

In Methods Workshops (M) the aim is to experience and achieve a cognitive perception of TCI methods and didactics.

   Recommendation and Written Thesis

Using theory as well as practical, reflected experience, participants deal with the “tools” of TCI and their meaning for their own professional field of activity: The requirements for a recommendation are a self-assessment and a written thesis.

  • The written thesis is to deal with an aspect from an area of applied TCI, in theory and on the basis of personal practical experience.
  • For Foundation Training according to the building block system, the recommendation comes from only one trainer, at least two of whose courses have been attended.
  • Recommendation and written thesis for the CWS has to be in ENGLISH and written using computer


  1. Advanced Training in TCI – leading to International Diploma

A TCI group leader holding a diploma will have  the ability to lead groups according to / using TCI and to apply TCI comprehensively


Elements of Advanced Training

  • 6 courses = 108 sessions of 90 minutes in the following areas:
    • Personality Development (P)
    • Deepening Courses (D)
    • Supervision (S)
    • Crises in Groups / Individual Crises (C)
    • Other Group Processes (G)
  • A Peer Group accompanying training = 40 sessions of 90 minutes, 20 of them with supervision
  • Two recommendations from RCI – trainers:
  • One recommendation resulting from a leadership process.
  • A written thesis on aspects of an application project carried out by the trainee her/himself, its evaluation leading to a further recommendation



Graduate Facilitators ( India)


  1. Dr C Thomas Abraham
  2. Prof(Dr) Motti Thomas Zachariah,
  3. Prof(Dr) Nishi Mitra,
  4. Prof (Dr) Hafiz Muhamed
  5. Prof(Dr) Joby Cyriac
  6. Smt Tessie George,
  7. Sri Vijayan KV


Diploma Holders (India)


  1. Prof(Dr) Raveendran R,
  2. Prof(Dr) Ashok B,
  3. Prof (Dr) Raju D
  4. Prof(Dr) Swapna Gopinath,
  5. Er Matius Vengal,
  6. Dr Sajid Jamal,
  7. Sri Jose Mathai
  8. Prof Molamma Mathew
  9. Sri Sebastian MJ
  10. Sri Oommen Thomas
  11. Smt Jainamma Jose